Why would I go to bed just to get bedbug bitten
When I know that there's so many rhymes to be written.
Then all of these rhymes would just go straight to waste
If I called it a day in such unthoughtful haste!
And don't say "But (nameless), please come to your senses,
If you don't sleep at all there will be consequences!"
I know what will happen if I do not sleep...
I will wake with a headache that aches 'til I weep.
And the rest of the day I well feel quite dreary.
That may be what you fear, see, but please hear thee my theory.
If the Lord puts these rhymes in my head, like I've said,
And I don't go to bed.. He'll watch over my head!
I believe this is true, in the depths of my soul!
Yes, I've heard of the spiritual fruit, Self Control,
And I don't think that my self control is at stake!
Why, it takes self control just to stay wide awake!
When my mind is this tired, I begin to think quicker
About how to write rhymes that will make people snicker.
When I feel this tired, my thought processor flows,
And I make up knew creatures like three-legged Shmoes.
Or no, wait! I mean Smores! Oh, I get so mixed up its
Insane, and it makes me just want to watch Muppets.
The North Smores fought wars, if my guess is not missed,
With the South Smores, for neither could quite coexist!
The North Smores rode horsed, Smore horses of course,
And waged war with South Smoredom; a sorcery force!
The South sorcerer Smores used a black magic source...
Their defeat of the North is a tale of remorse!
No wait! Smores have chocolate! Oh what am I saying?
The cattle are lowing, the chickens are laying!
I think that my mind is about to shut down!
I cannot think at all! Are my eyes turning brown!?!
The moral of all of this nonsense you've read
Is: Just go freakin sleep when it's late! Go to bed!
-By Gideon